International Volunteer

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Solidarity through volunteering and impacting people and communities.

International Volunteer

Deciding to get involved as a humanitarian aid volunteer is an exciting decision. You’ll get to travel and put your skills to good use with people and communities that really need you, all while boosting your CV. For university students, finding a summer volunteer opportunity is an excellent way to apply the skills learned in academia to field work while adding to your resume. For professionals, it is about sharing and serving humanity in a way that is fulfilling and self-satisfying.

The Atem Foundation International Volunteer Program builds on our core value for humanity and shared responsibility for a better world. Volunteers work with grassroot communities and disadvantaged populations to create change that lasts long after their services. Regardless of the time you spend, as a Volunteer, you can make an investment in our world - one handshake, one project, one friendship at a time - that leads to new possibilities for hundreds and thousands that depend on you for renewed hope for a better future.

Our two volunteer areas, health, and education are central to our community development and empowerment goals. The program currently sends Volunteers to work with refugee communities and displaced persons in Nigeria and conflict affected communities in the Cameroons. Our pre-deployment orientation emphasizes on the need for Volunteers to develop a greater understanding of factors that may impact and influence their volunteer experience, interactions with staff, fellow Volunteers, local communities and host country.

The Foundation’s volunteer program encourages deep humility and helps build transferable skills as our staff and Volunteers partner at the grassroot level with people in Nigeria and Cameroons. We seek to foster an inclusive, equitable, and accessible organizational culture - one that ensures diversity of thought, experience, and personal background as we partner with and serve host country communities. We encourage our volunteers to reflect on aspects of their own social identities, values, and intercultural competence, and to reflect on those of their host country.

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The Atem Foundation International Volunteer Areas

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