Takum Relief

Relief to IDPs in Tiko

Takum Relief Efforts

Armed conflict in the Cameroons has currently displaced over 900,000 persons within the region, rendering hundreds of thousands homeless and without basic life necessities, and hindering humanitarian efforts due to various structural development weaknesses and chronic vulnerabilities that affect the long-term recovery of the people. The Atem Foundation Relief to IDPs in TIko project is dedicated to assisting internally displaced persons, particularly those most directly affected by this armed conflict. In 2021, over 1,000 internally displaced women in Tiko, Muyuka, Douala, and Buea received critical food and cash assistance, and the Atem Foundation is currently creating further avenues for providing more assistance to more individuals throughout the region. "The food and cash assistance we receive from the Atem Foundation is life-saving. It assists me to buy medication for my sick son and put food on our table." - Linda Besinga, an internally displaced mother of four from Ndian.

Health & Hospital Infrastructure Relief

Disasters and conflicts jeopardize critical patient care by creating shortages in vital medical supplies and scarcity in care quality. Newly born babies, including those of internally displaced mothers, have been left to sleep on floors of hospital facilities due to poor conditions and overcrowded facilities, making pre and post-natal care either impossible or severely limited in conflict regions such as Tiko. The Atem Foundation works to protect the safety and wellbeing of the most vulnerable populations during disaster and crisis incidents, especially recent or expecting mothers and newborns. In 2021, the Atem Foundation donated considerable medical equipment and hospital beds to the Tiko pediatric and special care infant ward and continues to work with various medical staff and professionals to ensure that necessary care is available for all refugees fleeing conflict incidents and other disasters.

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